Monday, November 17, 2014

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

High School Science MME Information

See the email below, that I received today, to clarify what is going to change on the science part of the MME this spring.  The email was from the Wayne RESA's science consultant.  We were discussing the MME yesterday to make sure we both had the same information.  Call or email me with any questions.
Hi Laura,
We had a discussion yesterday about ACT and MME. Here is some clarification from Linda Howley (Test Development Manager):

Students will still be taking the ACT and it will be used for accountability. However, items from the ACT will not be used for a student's summative science score.

You can call Linda at (517) 241-2525

Linda's comments: For Spring 2015, the Michigan Merit Examination consists of three components: A) ACT plus Writing, B) WorkKeys, and C) Michigan's summative assessments in ELA, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. In the past, Michigan has "pulled" science items from the ACT (plus Writing) to create a student's science score. This spring, Michigan will not be supplementing Michigan's summative science assessment with ACT items. This change required OSA to revise the science assessment blueprint slightly to account for five missing Inquiry items previously drawn from ACT. The summative assessment in science will be a separate, stand-alone assessment with five additional items assessing the Inquiry Strand.

I hope this information helps. Please go to if you would like Assessment Transition updates as weekly communications are posted there.

Linda's contact info is below. take care,


Linda Howley

Test Development Manager

Office of Standards and Assessment

Division of Accountability Services

Michigan Department of Education

(517) 241-2525