Monday, August 22, 2016

Looking for Elementary STEM Leader to lead a math PD

If anyone is interested in leading the PD below, give me a call and we will get this promoted.  Monica and I did one a couple years back on fractions.  It was real easy to present. Everything is done for you. You just need to put in some time reading to stay ahead of the group.  I would not be able to attend every session, but I will help anyone who wants to try this.  I will send the attached flyer if you're interested.  This PD is put on by Debra Ball.  If you don't know who she is, she is one of the leading educational math experts in the country. Her PDs are amazing.



We are writing to you because you have previously implemented the modules created by the Dev-TE@M project at the University of Michigan School of Education. We will be piloting a new module starting Fall 2016, Geometric Measurement and Spatial Reasoning in Elementary Mathematics Teaching. This module, featuring the work of Douglas Clements and Julie Sarama, is particularly well suited to teacher professional development that aims to help teachers learn about, and teach, geometric measurement and mathematical practices featured in the CCSS-Math Standards. We are recruiting professional development providers who work with practicing elementary teachers to participate in the pilot during the 2016-2017 school year.

The module focuses on the following content:

• Mathematics: concepts, methods, and tools used in linear, 2D, and 3D measurement
• Student thinking: understanding trajectories of children’s reasoning about linear, 2D, and 3D measurement
• Teaching practice: using learning trajectories in assessing and curriculum analysis
• Learning from practice: studying learning trajectories of one’s own students through the use of video and anecdotal notes

There is no charge for using the Dev-TE@M module as a pilot tester.

Please read the attached flyer for more information about our module and share it with others who might be interested in piloting the module. If you have any questions about piloting or are interested in previewing the materials, please contact me at

Thank you for your time,

Aileen Kennison, on behalf of the Dev-TE@M project
Aileen Kennison
Dev-TE@M Project Manager
University of Michigan School of Education
610 East University Avenue, Suite 1600
n Arbor, Michigan   48109-1259

Project Team:
Deborah Loewenberg Ball
Hyman Bass
Tim Boerst
Kara Suzuka
Yaa Cole

Project Collaborators:
Douglas Clements
Julie Sarama
Douglas Van Dine

Monday, June 27, 2016

Fwd: Opportunities to give input in Michigan's ESSA Plan


Are you a teacher and/or parent interested in giving input into the development of the ESSA plan?  MDE is forming two virtual focus groups:

a. Virtual Parent Focus Group. We want to know what parents think. We also know that it's hard for busy parents to come to in-person meetings in Lansing or even in their communities, so we created the Virtual Parent Focus Group. If you are a parent and want to be a part, please go to, and click on the "Get Involved" link. We also encourage you to share this information with other parents in your networks. We will be providing information through this focus group, generating feedback through surveys, online chats, web-based feedback forms, etc.

b. Virtual Teacher Focus Group. Much like parents, teachers are a critical voice to have in the plan development. We are recruiting teachers to sign up for our Virtual Teacher Focus Group as well, at, click on "Get Involved."


One aspect of the ESSA that may be of particular interest to educators is the shift in language from "Highly Qualified" to "Supporting Effective Instruction".  I've cited some of the language from the Title II section of the ESSA below:


''The purpose of this title is to provide grants to State educational agencies and subgrants to local educational agencies to—

''(1) increase student achievement consistent with the challenging State academic standards;

''(2) improve the quality and effectiveness of teachers, principals, and other school leaders;

''(3) increase the number of teachers, principals, and other school leaders who are effective in improving student academic achievement in schools; and

''(4) provide low-income and minority students greater access to effective teachers, principals, and other school leaders.



''(c) STATE USES OF FUNDS.—(pg 118)


''(B) TYPES OF STATE ACTIVITIES — The activities described in this subparagraph are the following:

''(i) Reforming teacher, principal, or other school leader certification, recertification, licensing, or tenure systems or preparation program standards and approval processes to ensure that—

''(I) teachers have the necessary subject-matter knowledge and teaching skills, as demonstrated through measures determined by the State, which may include teacher performance assessments, in the academic subjects that the teachers teach to help students meet challenging State academic standards;

''(II) principals or other school leaders have the instructional leadership skills to help teachers teach and to help students meet such challenging State academic standards; and

''(III) teacher certification or licensing requirements are aligned with such challenging State academic standards.


Another notable change is that the Title IIB MSP funds are gone.  There are no longer federal funds dedicated to supporting STEM education.  A state could choose to use their Title IV funds to support STEM Education.  I've attached the Title IV talking points sent out by the national STEM Education Coalition  which provides an overview of what states can choose to address in their plans.




Ruth Anne Hodges

Manager, Curriculum and Instruction Unit

Mathematics/Science Partnership Grant Team Leader

Michigan Dept. of Education

Office of Education Improvement & Innovation

608 W. Allegan St

PO Box 30008

Lansing, MI 48909

517.241.2219 (office)

517.243.7172 (cell)

517.241.0247 (fax)



Our collective efforts can help make Michigan a Top 10 education state in 10 years!  Here are the goals and strategies:



Wednesday, May 18, 2016

MCTM Summer Conference - another way to have your registration paid for

Good Morning!

Do you want to attend the 2016 MCTM annual conference for free?  We are looking for some volunteers to assist with a variety of tasks- helping in the bookstore, bringing water to speakers, counting participants in sessions....  If you volunteer for 4 hours, we will give you complimentary registration to the 2-day conference.

If you are interested or have additional questions, please contact Rachel Kamischke or Mary Kay Archer,at

We hope that you are planning to join us at Traverse City Central High School this summer for the MCTM pre-conference institutes and annual conference July 26-28.  There are many wonderful sessions again this year- you can see descriptions of the institutes as well as a list of accepted sessions at

We hope to see you in July!

Kevin Dykema
MCTM Conference Co-Chair

Free Summer PD K-12 - Computer Science @ Michigan Tech

FREE computing workshop for K-12 teachers and administrators, including lodging, meals and mileage reimbursement, is being held at Michigan Tech from August 15-17, 2016. This will be offered by Michigan Tech's Department of Computer Science, with funding from Google. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

  Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics

The 2016 MCTM Annual Conference tentative schedule is now available and can be found online  We have a wonderful selection of breakout sessions for you to choose from- it will be difficult to choose which ones to attend as there are so many wonderful choices.
Come join us on Wednesday morning for the keynote address by Cathy Williams, who is the co-founder with Jo Boaler of  Thursday afternoon, Dan Meyer, who blogs at blog.mrmeyer.comamong other things, will be delivering a keynote address.
There are also outstanding pre-conference institutes- check them out at!
Register now!!
I hope to see you in Traverse City July 26-28.!
Kevin Dykema
MCTM Annual Conference Chair

New Scholarship for Teachers

Want to attend the MCTM Annual Conference and Institute this year in Traverse City to hear Dan Meyer, Cathy Williams, and many others but finances are an issue?  With cutbacks in school/district professional development monies, many more teachers are paying for PD opportunities from their own funds. The MCTM Scholarship Committee is excited to offer a new opportunity to MCTM members: $500 Teacher Conference Scholarships for the MCTM Annual Institute and Conference!

Any teacher who is an MCTM member is eligible to apply for the scholarship (except for current MCTM Board Members).  Scholarship applications and guidelines can be found below.   Applications are due on May 20, 2016, with recipients notified byJune 10, 2016. Up to five $500 scholarships will be awarded.

The application is made up of an information form as well as a brief, typed proposal (two pages maximum), a letter of support that describes your role in mathematics education (preferably from your current administrator), and confirmation that you are a current member.  Details are available at the link above.

Applications are due no later than May 20, 2016, and are to be emailed with attachments to
Questions about the scholarship?  Please contact Scholarship Selection Committee Chair, Christine Kincaid Dewey at

Kathy Berry
Coordinator of Research, Evaluation, & Assessment
Monroe County Intermediate School District (MCISD)
1101 S. Raisinville Road, Monroe, MI 48161-9047
734.242.5799 x 3070 (office)

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Fwd: Looking for grades 3-12 science teachers for this summer!

The Three-dimensional Science Performance Assessment project at the SMTC is looking for experienced and knowledgeable science teachers in grades 3-12 to work this summer on developing classroom-embedded science assessment tasks aligned to the Michigan Science Standards.
Audience: This program is designed for teachers of grades 3-12, who have a good deal of prior knowledge of NGSS or Michigan Science Standards.
Through this project, teachers will:
  • Apply their knowledge of NGSS/MSS to the development of cutting edge classroom-embedded performance assessments
  • Deepen their understanding of the NGSS/MSS and assessment development for student growth
  • Help ensure a strong match between three-dimensional instruction and formative and summative assessment
  • Attend 5 full days of professional learning and up to 20 hours of online professional learning
  • Receive $100/day stipend
  • Up to 75 SCECHs available pending approval
Click here for Flyer and Application. Application is due by June 17, 2016
Please pass this opportunity along especially to teacher leaders who may have worked to improve their expertise of science education through such work as NGSX, Modeling Workshop, NGSS or MSS curriculum development, or other excellent offerings.

If you wish to stop receiving email from us, you can simply remove yourself by visiting:

Michigan Science Teachers Association
1390 Eisenhower Place
Ann Arbor, MI 48108

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Secondary Science Teachers- Summer PD

This PD is said to be an amazing experience.  It has been running on a grant for two years and this will be the final year and the grant.  Take advantage of it if you can.
Have a great day!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

2016 Michigan Tech Summer Teacher Institutes

Dear Teachers:
Please consider coming to a teacher institute at Michigan Tech this summer and earning 2 graduate credits. The institutes are all hands on and include lots of field trips. You'll meet teachers from all over Michigan, the Great Lakes region, and beyond. Please forward this email to other teachers at your school. Thanks!

2016 Michigan Tech Summer Teacher Institutes

June 20-24      ED5641 Global Change    

June 27-July 1  ED5601 Engaging Students in Authentic Science Research    

July 11-15       ED 5640 Designing a Sustainable Future    


Application deadline May 1, 2016. Complete teacher institute applications online.

Link to brochures and online registration

To register for Michigan Tech credits: MTU Cognitive & Learning Sciences will contact you with credit registration information (Tel: 906-487-2460)

For more information: Joan Chadde, Institute Coordinator ( or 906-487-3341)


Institute Descriptions

ED5641 Global Change Teacher Institute (for Grades 4-12 Teachers)

Date: M-F, June 20-24

This 5-day Institute will prepare you to engage your middle and high school students in a real-world study of the effects of global change on ecosystems, including the impacts of climatic change on forests--- elevated carbon dioxide and ozone levels, nitrogen saturation, acid rain, and invasive species. Teachers will participate in the MEECS Climate Change workshop and receive the MEECS Climate Change Unit. Cost: $400 includes five lunches, 2 MTU graduate credits and instructional materials.

$700 includes 5 nights lodging & meals from Monday morning through Friday lunch, 2 MTU graduate credits and instructional materials.

Link to register:   2016 Global Change Teacher Institute Application


ED5601   Engaging Students in Authentic Science Research Teacher Institute (for Gr. 4-12 Teachers)

Date:  M-F, June 27-July 1 -Teachers gain skills in designing original research, rather than merely conducting cookbook experiments. Teachers will learn research design methods and procedures, and participate in a variety of research field and lab studies. Cost: $400 includes five lunches, 2 MTU graduate credits and instructional materials. $700 includes 5 nights lodging & meals from Monday morning through Friday lunch, 2 MTU graduate credits and instructional materials.  

Link to register:   2016 Engaging Students in Science Research Application  


ED 5640  Designing a Sustainable Future Teacher Institute (for Grades 4-12 Teachers)

Date: M-F, July 11-15 - The institute will introduce teachers to the concept of sustainability and how it can be integrated into our economy, society and environment through examination of product life cycles, product recycling, repurposing materials, renewable energy sources, building design, site designs, and efficient transportation systems and vehicles. The institute will address the Next Generation Science Standards and be taught by a variety of Michigan Tech University faculty and graduate students, along with community and teacher experts. Cost: $400 includes five lunches, 2 MTU graduate credits and instructional materials. $700 includes five nights lodging & meals from Monday morning through Friday lunch, 2 MTU graduate credits and instructional materials.

Link to register:   2016 Designing a Sustainable Future Application

--   Joan Chadde Schumaker   Director, Center for Science & Environmental Outreach  Education Program Coordinator, Western U.P. Center for Science, Math & Environmental Education  School Team Mentor & Teacher Professional Learning Coordinator, Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative  115 Great Lakes Research Center  Michigan Technological University  1400 Townsend Dr., Houghton, MI 49931  Tel: 906-487-3341   Fax: 906-487-1029

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Kalamazoo RESA looking for a full-time science consultant!

Hello friends and colleagues- 

Opening for a Science Consultant position for KRESA!
This is a full-time position.  This is a huge step forward for science education in our area.  
Please share this posting information with your colleagues, friends, and neighbors.  
Again, the positing is located here.

If you wish to stop receiving email from us, you can simply remove yourself by visiting:


Michigan Science Teachers Association
1390 Eisenhower Place
Ann Arbor, MI 48108

Monday, February 8, 2016

AIMS is looking for facilitators

AIMS is looking for facilitators.  Monica Hartman, former math and science consultant at RESA, was an AIMS trainer. It would be great to have another trainer in our area.  This would be a wonderful opportunity for someone that wants to gain a wealth of knowledge, and be able to earn money in the summers doing trainings around your the US.  If anyone is interested in talking with Monica, let me know and I will get her contact information to you.

Facilitators Needed!

Would You Like to Facilitate Professional Learning?

The AIMS Center for Math and Science Education is looking for 10 new Professional Learning Facilitators. If you have a Masters Degree in Education, at least five years of classroom teaching experience, and are interested in facilitating Professional Learning workshops in the Primary (K-2), Intermediate (3-5) or Middle School (6-8) grades for Math or Science. AIMS will choose the new recruits based on the need for facilitators in certain geographical regions of the US, education and teaching experience, and availability to travel to the 2016 summer Facilitator institute in Orlando, FL in June 2016.

Apply Here!


Thursday, January 28, 2016

M-STEP Sample Item Sets - just released today

Sample Questions for ELA, Math, Science and Social Studies

STEM Leaders: Summer Opportunity for Teachers

TEACHERS: Looking for a unique summer opportunity to add to your professional portfolio?

This summer, teams of 11th and 12th grade students and teachers from across St. Clair County will learn and work side-by-side in local businesses and non-profits to solve real challenges or problems the organizations face.  And the competition will be fierce. Do you want to be a part of the action?

Key Components of Challenge4theFuture:

  • Relevance - real problems, real businesses, real solutions, real skills
  • Experience - new, fun ways to work and learn through involvement and action; teachers and students are problem solvers and designers
  • Skills4theFuture - working in teams, students practice skills and teachers learn how to embed them in classroom projects
  • Gold Standard Project Based Learning - students drive their learning; facilitated by trained teachers
  • Design Thinking - processes and protocols create constraints, leading to innovation and solutions to local problems
  • Business and Non-profit Partners - build relationships and learn the ins and outs of an organization by working within their facility, with a skilled liaison

Who should get involved? High school and middle school teachers who are ready to facilitate relevant project based learning in their classes.
There is no PBL prerequisite; experienced and inexperienced teachers will benefit equally. High school teachers will have priority.



What are the teacher participation dates?

Teacher training (without students):

·        April 27 and 28th  - 4:00-7:30 PM (May change)

·        May 18 and 19th – 4:00-7:30 PM

·        June 20 thru 23rd – 8:00-2:30 PM

·        July 13 (reflection day) – 8:00-2:30 PM

Project facilitation (with students):

·        June 27-30, July 5-8 and July 11-12

How will I be compensated? Teachers will earn $100 per day for each day of training and project facilitation. 

Information Document for Teachers
The FAQ is attached.



Click for additional information, or feel free to give us a call.


Kris Murphy
Administrative Assistant
Education Services
(810) 455-4001 • (810) 364-7474 fax


Tuesday, January 12, 2016

FW: Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching

In grades K-6 some very important math and science foundations are uncovered, please consider encouraging the teachers at these grade levels to apply for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching this year. The application does take some time, but it is an excellent professional learning experience for educators.


Let's show the Nation what our teachers are made of in Michigan!


Megan Schrauben

Integrated Education Consultant, Curriculum & Instruction

Michigan Department of Education

Office of Education Improvement and Innovation

John A. Hannah Building

608 W. Allegan Street

P.O. Box 30008

Lansing, MI  48909

Phone:  517-335-3199

Twitter:  @MeganSchrauben


Customer Service is a priority at the Michigan Department of Education – helping Michigan schools, families, and communities improve the achievement and well-being of ALL our children.



Sunday, January 10, 2016

HHMI BioInteractive Workshop in Perrysburg - Saturday, February 27th

AP Bio Teachers
I just received this flyer on Friday.  The BioInteractive workshops are always great.  Ann, my contact person, said that the registration for the Friday workshop is full, but they are starting a waiting list. There is still plenty of spaces open for the Saturday advanced workshop. Please pass this along to fellow teachers.

ASM Materials Camp

The attachment did not come through like I thought it would.  Please email me if you are interested and want more information.

HS and MS Science Teachers- AMS Materials Camp - June19-24, 2016

Misci-pln mailing list
Anyone what to spend a week at Michigan Tech and attend a workshop for FREE.  See attachment for details.
Please share with teachers in your service area.

Thank you.   Shawn Oppliger

Attend an excellent one-week professional development workshop

this summer – at no cost to you!


Michigan Technological University

Houghton, MI

June 19-24, 2016

Who should attend? 

§  High school general science, chemistry, physics, math

and technology teachers

§  Middle school physical science teachers


Why attend?

  • §  Learn how to engage your students using simple, low-costexperiments that you can integrate into your existing lesson plans
  • §  Help your students discover career opportunities in science and engineering

Everything is FREE:  4 CEUs, materials, lunches & snacks (Housing is provided to out-of-town participants, or those coming from over 50 miles away from the university.)

To register, see attached flyer

Shawn Oppliger, Director
Western UP Center for Science, Mathematics and Environmental Education
809 Hecla St
Hancock, MI 49930

The Western UP Center is one of the 33 regional centers of the Michigan Math and Science Center Network, funded by the Section 99 of the Michigan School Aid Act.

Science Consultant Position Opening - Wayne County Schools Employment Network

There are posting out there for science consultants in Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb counties.  I have had several people comment on postings they have come across, so I thought I would share the information.  Below is the one for Wayne RESA.  If anyone is interested in applying and want to talk about the job, please give me a call.


Science Consultant

Apply Online

Category: Central Office
Date Posted: 12/18/2015
Location: Wayne RESA Education Center
Date of Availability: TBD
Date Closing: 01/18/2016

Science Consultant

Wayne RESA seeks a science consultant to support districts in the development of curriculum, and the implementation of sound instructional and assessment practices aligned to Michigan's science standards and performance expectations.   Additionally, this consultant will lead Wayne County in science education by providing resources and professional development to Wayne County educators at pre-K through secondary levels. 

The successful candidate will:

  • Provide consulting and coordinate activities related to science curriculum, instruction, and assessment
  • Organize, plan, develop, support, and deliver professional learning activities focused on science instruction, curriculum development, and assessment
  • Support educators in using data effectively to drive instructional practice and decision making
  • Promote sharing of innovative and successful instructional resources and strategies
  • Model the principles of continuous learning, problem solving, and collaboration
  • Assist and lead Wayne County districts in planning and implementing the Math Science Center functions for science:  leadership, curriculum support, professional development, community involvement, student services, and resource clearinghouse.
  • Plan, implement, and monitor Math Science Center goals, objectives, and activities
  • Serve as RESA representative to Wayne County science organizations and local school district science liaisons
  • Organize, plan, and conduct science professional development sessions and training programs for local districts in a variety of locations.
  • Integrate the use of technology into science instruction and programs.
  • Participate in local district needs assessments, Math Science Center and Educational Services planning
  • Work in collaboration with other RESA staff to ensure client needs are met in the most efficient and effective manner.
  • Collaborate as an active team member in RESA projects as assigned
  • Attend and contribute to department and sub-department meetings and planning sessions
  • Know current research and effective practices of curriculum, instruction, assessment; school development and school improvement; and professional development in the field of public education and particularly, in the area of science
  • Use professional judgment and act effectively to carry out the functions of this position within the direction provided by RESA mission and goals, the Educational Services Department goals and objectives and the Math Science Center Strategic Plan.
  • Perform other duties as assigned


  • Master's degree required with major or minor in Science
  • Michigan teacher certification required
  • Minimum five (5) years' experience teaching science required
  • Experience as a science consultant preferred
  • Demonstrated skill in design and implementation of successful strategies for professional development and curriculum planning/development in Science based upon national and state standards required
  • Demonstrated experience in leadership, teaching, planning and evaluation, and curriculum development required
  • Demonstrated sills in consultation, training, group facilitation and process required
  • Demonstrated ability to integrate emerging forms of technology into professional activities and public presentations required
  • Demonstrated skill in proposal development and organization and budget management preferred
  • Demonstrated verbal and written communication skills required
  • Demonstrated skill working with diverse populations required

Compensation:  Current WCSSF 11-Month Salary Schedule – Grade M ($66,607-$99,979 FY)
Application Process and Timeline: Internal and external applicants must complete and submit an online application at (Job ID #6422) by 3:00 p.m., Monday, January 18, 2016 in order to be considered.


Wayne County Schools Employment Network uses the AppliTrack system from Frontline Technologies to manage employment applications online.
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Geothermal Design Challenge 2016 (N.E.E.D.)

 FYI - If you have a good website to use for students building infographics, I would like to know about it.

Help the U.S. Department of Energy
design the future of clean energy.

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Geothermal Technologies Office, in partnership with the Center for Advanced Energy Studies (CAES) and Idaho National Lab is recruiting students in graphic design, communications, science and/or engineeringto bolster their portfolio, resume or college applications by entering the 2016 Geothermal Design Challenge. They are looking for smart and creative student teams to design an infographic that will illustrate how geothermal energy is clean, safe, reliable and sustainable. Winners will share a prize purse of $7500 and present their infographic at a geothermal energy conference in California.

Register today to form teams and submit a draft infographic by March 1, 2016.

Design the future of clean energy and register today!

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