Wednesday, May 18, 2016

MCTM Summer Conference - another way to have your registration paid for

Good Morning!

Do you want to attend the 2016 MCTM annual conference for free?  We are looking for some volunteers to assist with a variety of tasks- helping in the bookstore, bringing water to speakers, counting participants in sessions....  If you volunteer for 4 hours, we will give you complimentary registration to the 2-day conference.

If you are interested or have additional questions, please contact Rachel Kamischke or Mary Kay Archer,at

We hope that you are planning to join us at Traverse City Central High School this summer for the MCTM pre-conference institutes and annual conference July 26-28.  There are many wonderful sessions again this year- you can see descriptions of the institutes as well as a list of accepted sessions at

We hope to see you in July!

Kevin Dykema
MCTM Conference Co-Chair

Free Summer PD K-12 - Computer Science @ Michigan Tech

FREE computing workshop for K-12 teachers and administrators, including lodging, meals and mileage reimbursement, is being held at Michigan Tech from August 15-17, 2016. This will be offered by Michigan Tech's Department of Computer Science, with funding from Google. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

  Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics

The 2016 MCTM Annual Conference tentative schedule is now available and can be found online  We have a wonderful selection of breakout sessions for you to choose from- it will be difficult to choose which ones to attend as there are so many wonderful choices.
Come join us on Wednesday morning for the keynote address by Cathy Williams, who is the co-founder with Jo Boaler of  Thursday afternoon, Dan Meyer, who blogs at blog.mrmeyer.comamong other things, will be delivering a keynote address.
There are also outstanding pre-conference institutes- check them out at!
Register now!!
I hope to see you in Traverse City July 26-28.!
Kevin Dykema
MCTM Annual Conference Chair

New Scholarship for Teachers

Want to attend the MCTM Annual Conference and Institute this year in Traverse City to hear Dan Meyer, Cathy Williams, and many others but finances are an issue?  With cutbacks in school/district professional development monies, many more teachers are paying for PD opportunities from their own funds. The MCTM Scholarship Committee is excited to offer a new opportunity to MCTM members: $500 Teacher Conference Scholarships for the MCTM Annual Institute and Conference!

Any teacher who is an MCTM member is eligible to apply for the scholarship (except for current MCTM Board Members).  Scholarship applications and guidelines can be found below.   Applications are due on May 20, 2016, with recipients notified byJune 10, 2016. Up to five $500 scholarships will be awarded.

The application is made up of an information form as well as a brief, typed proposal (two pages maximum), a letter of support that describes your role in mathematics education (preferably from your current administrator), and confirmation that you are a current member.  Details are available at the link above.

Applications are due no later than May 20, 2016, and are to be emailed with attachments to
Questions about the scholarship?  Please contact Scholarship Selection Committee Chair, Christine Kincaid Dewey at

Kathy Berry
Coordinator of Research, Evaluation, & Assessment
Monroe County Intermediate School District (MCISD)
1101 S. Raisinville Road, Monroe, MI 48161-9047
734.242.5799 x 3070 (office)