Achieve is excited to announce the expansion of the Science Peer Review Panel! Achieve's Science Peer Review Panel ("Science PRP") is an elite group of educators who work to evaluate and share high-quality lesson sequences and units that are designed for the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Members of the Science PRP are part of the solution to a persistent problem in the science education field: not enough examples of high quality instructional materials designed for the NGSS. Join the Science PRP by filling out this online application and connect with a network of educators across the country committed to advancing science education for all students, develop your expertise in the NGSS, and work to make better science instructional materials more widely available to the science education field. This opportunity includes free, valuable professional learning experiences designed to deepen your understanding of the NGSS and the evaluation process for instructional materials. Here are a few things members of the Science PRP have to say about the first year: "I have been able to collaborate and discuss with people across the nation, and connect with some of the best thinkers in the field. I have grown in my understanding of NGSS and what good science instruction looks like. I have had my views challenged, and have been able to develop confidence and my own voice to share ideas about good science instruction." "The professional growth I am experiencing is at such a higher rate than I have ever experienced before. This has been extremely valuable." "The best thing about being a PRP member is the team. It is truly amazing experience of being part of this group. The professional learning network that has been created is very valuable to improving my practice." "Every time I review a lesson or come to a PRP meeting, I grow as a professional" Those who are accepted to the Science PRP will receive recognition on the Achieve website, a sample press release for your district or organization announcing your acceptance to the Science PRP, and at the end of the year-long commitment, peer reviewers will be recognized with a certificate of excellence. Any materials that are determined to be high quality by the Science PRP will be publicly shared on nextgenscience.org/hqngss so educators and curriculum developers across all states and districts can benefit from these materials. Apply to join the Science PRP here, and learn more about it here. APPLICANTS Ideal applicants for this program will have a solid foundation in A Framework for K-12 Science Education, are comfortable navigating the NGSS across content areas (including the Appendices), and will have experience using the EQuIP Rubric for Science. Applicants will be selected based on their ability to make consistent, criterion-based evaluations using the latest version of the EQuIP Rubric for Science. Achieve is committed to building a diverse panel and strongly encourages people of color to apply. Applicants from a mix of rural, urban, and suburban communities will be accepted. As we expand the Science PRP, we are looking for more representatives from the K-2 and 9-12 grade bands in particular, but all are welcome to apply. APPLICATION PROCESS
THE COMMITMENT The responsibilities of the peer reviewers will include:
Read more about what to expect as a peer reviewer here. While peer reviewers are committing to a one-year term, the work will be ongoing and there will be opportunities to extend their involvement. A more detailed description of responsibilities will be provided to selected peer reviewers in the kickoff meeting April 19-20, 2018. For answers to common questions, check out the Science Peer Review Panel website. Achieve thanks Arconic Foundation, Carnegie Corporation of New York, Bayer Foundation, and Pisces Foundation for their generous support of the Science PRP, EQuIP Rubric for Science, and for working to ensure all students have access to a quality science education. Please contact vwolbrink@achieve.org for additional questions or comments. |