Thursday, November 12, 2015

A Framework for K-12 Science Education

All leaders will be receiving a copy of the Framework for K-12 Science Education and the Guide to Implementing the Next Generation Science Standards at our next meeting! RESA is coping them and making binders for you. If you want them electronically, click on the links below. 
Guide to Implementing NGSS:

New Michigan Science Standards

If you haven't heard !!


Michigan State Board of Education Adopts New Michigan Science Standards!

November 10, 2015


The Michigan State Board of Education adopted a revolutionary and innovative set of Science Standards!  These new Michigan Science Standards will propel current and future Michigan students to increased levels of rigor in Science and Engineering practices.  The Michigan Department of Education used a combination of face to face informational sessions and online surveys engaging the Michigan Community in their understanding of what best practice scientific instruction and expectations hold for its students.  The adoption of the Michigan Science Standards directly correlates to State Superintendent Brian Whiston's vision of making Michigan a top ten state for education!


Science Educators, across this great state, will work in partnership with the Michigan Department of Education in implementing these new Michigan Science Standards providing guidance and resources for K-12 classroom teachers.  It is an exciting time to be a Science Instructor in the State of Michigan!