Friday, December 15, 2017

Apply to Join Achieve's Science Peer Review Panel

This is a great opportunity! Hope someone is interested.

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Apply to Join Achieve's 
 Peer Review Panel

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Achieve is excited to announce the expansion of the Science Peer Review Panel!

Achieve's Science Peer Review Panel ("Science PRP") is an elite group of educators who work to evaluate and share high-quality lesson sequences and units that are designed for the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Members of the Science PRP are part of the solution to a persistent problem in the science education field: not enough examples of high quality instructional materials designed for the NGSS.
Join the Science PRP by filling out this online application and connect with a network of educators across the country committed to advancing science education for all students, develop your expertise in the NGSS, and work to make better science instructional materials more widely available to the science education field. This opportunity includes free, valuable professional learning experiences designed to deepen your understanding of the NGSS and the evaluation process for instructional materials. 

Here are a few things members of the Science PRP have to say about the first year:

"I have been able to collaborate and discuss with people across the nation, and connect with some of the best thinkers in the field.  I have grown in my understanding of NGSS and what good science instruction looks like.  I have had my views challenged, and have been able to develop confidence and my own voice to share ideas about good science instruction."
"The professional growth I am experiencing is at such a higher rate than I have ever experienced before. This has been extremely valuable."
"The best thing about being a PRP member is the team.  It is truly amazing experience of being part of this group.  The professional learning network that has been created is very valuable to improving my practice."
"Every time I review a lesson or come to a PRP meeting, I grow as a professional"

Those who are accepted to the Science PRP will receive recognition on the Achieve website, a sample press release for your district or organization announcing your acceptance to the Science PRP, and at the end of the year-long commitment, peer reviewers will be recognized with a certificate of excellence.
Any materials that are determined to be high quality by the Science PRP will be publicly shared on so educators and curriculum developers across all states and districts can benefit from these materials. Apply to join the Science PRP here, and learn more about it here.


Ideal applicants for this program will have a solid foundation in A Framework for K-12 Science Educationare comfortable navigating the NGSS across content areas (including the Appendices), and will have experience using the EQuIP Rubric for ScienceApplicants will be selected based on their ability to make consistent, criterion-based evaluations using the latest version of the EQuIP Rubric for Science.
Achieve is committed to building a diverse panel and strongly encourages people of color to apply. Applicants from a mix of rural, urban, and suburban communities will be accepted.
As we expand the Science PRP, we are looking for more representatives from the K-2 and 9-12 grade bands in particular, but all are welcome to apply.

  1. Interested individuals must complete this online applicationwhich includes links to  grade-banded science lessons to evaluate with the EQuIP Rubric for Science (Version 3) (Application period is Dec. 14, 2017 - Jan. 15, 2018)
  2. Applicants must submit their completed EQuIP Rubric reviews for consideration.(Due no later than Jan. 152018)
  3. Accepted applicants will be invited to join the Science PRP as a peer reviewer. (By  Feb. 192018)
  4. Selected peer reviewers must confirm their commitment and interest. (No laterthan Feb. 28,2018)

The responsibilities of the peer reviewers will include:
  1. Convening in person at least twice in the calendar year, starting with a two-day new member kickoff meeting April 19-20, 2018 in Washington, DC. Achieve covers the travel costs for these meetings.
  2. Completing a quality review process for up to ten assigned reviews per year, including submitting written, criterion-based feedback in a timely manner, participating in a consensus call with other reviewers, and developing a final consensus report.
Read more about what to expect as a peer reviewer here. While peer reviewers are committing to a one-year term, the work will be ongoing and there will be opportunities to extend their involvement. A more detailed description of responsibilities will be provided to selected peer reviewers in the kickoff meeting April 19-20, 2018.

For answers to common questions, check out the Science Peer Review Panel website.


Achieve thanks Arconic FoundationCarnegie Corporation of New YorkBayer Foundation, and Pisces Foundation for their generous support of the Science PRP, EQuIP Rubric for Science, and for working to ensure all students have access to a quality science education.
Please contact for additional questions or comments.
Follow us on Twitter and sign up for our monthly newsletter to get all of the latest NGSS updates.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Science Matter Newsletter

STEM Leaders,

Check out the December newsletter!  Check out the PD opportunities and the grants available.

Enjoy your holiday season,


Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Scholarship & Grant $ for Amazon Rainforest PD Workshop

FYI - Please send to anyone that you think might be interested!

Schrauben, Megan (DTMB) via 

1:13 PM (46 minutes ago)
to msassociatesm2c2MI

Subject:  Scholarship & Grant $ for Amazon Rainforest PD Workshop


What:  2018 Educator Academy in the Amazon Professional Development

When:  July 1-11, 2018
Grant: $1500 Vernier Software & Technology Grant for a HS/AP Science Educator

Scholarships: $1100 Amazon Workshops Scholarships for K-12 Educators
Application Deadline:  February 1, 2018 
Get more info:


The July 1-11, 2018 Educator Academy in the Amazon Rainforest of Peru is a cross-curricular professional development workshop for formal and informal science educators.  Highlights include:  


  • 21st Century Instruction:  5E Lesson Design ~ Inquiry-Based Exploration ~ STEM 
  • Inquiry Protocols & Resources:  Vernier  Software & Technology ~ Celestron Digital Microscopes
  • Global and Cultural Perspectives:  Service Learning ~ Sustainability ~ Global Education
  • NEW!  A specialized track for HS bio and environmental science educators with a focus on sustainability, conservation, and field work with the Maijuna indigenous community
  • Work side-by-side with scientists and researchers on citizen science projects and field studies.
  • Explore the ¼ mile long ACTSPeru Rainforest Canopy Walkway in one of the world's most biologically diverse environments.
  • Work with fellow educators to explore strategies for using the Amazon as a vehicle for incorporating STEM education, inquiry-based learning, and sustainability science education into your classroom.


Get the details and download a syllabus and scholarship application at:  


Contact program director, Christa Dillabaugh at or 1-800-431-2624 for more information.



Megan Schrauben

Transitional Executive Director, MiSTEM Network

First Year Director, Council of State Science Supervisors

Department of Technology, Management, and Budget

Lewis Cass Building

320 S. Walnut St.

Lansing, MI  48933

Phone:  517-643-5957

Twitter:  @MeganSchrauben


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Formative Assessment - GREAT online conversation - Please Join Us

Michigan Mathematics and Science Centers Network
Michigan Formative Assessment Academy

Learn and Share Math & Science Formative Assessment Strategies

Schedule of Virtual Meetings:

  • Amelia Gotwals (Michigan State) - Formative assessment within elementary learning progressions- Sept. 25

  • Hilda Borko (Stanford) -Mathematics Formative Assessment working with teachers - October 9 (rescheduling - - watch for updates)

  • Alicia Alonzo (Michigan State) - Formative Assessment in Science - October 16

  • Sue Allen/Cary Sneider (Engineering Experts) - Formative Assessment and Engineering education November 6

  • Megan Bang (Washington) - Equity in Formative Assessment - December 18

  • Lorrie Shepard (UC-Boulder) - Formative Assessment - Science January 8

  • Bill Penuel (UC-Boulder)- Science formative assessment January 22

  • Erin Furtak (UC-Boulder) - Formative assessment cycle, Math and Science - February 12

  • Carla Zembal-Saul (Penn State) - Science and Mathematics formative assessment through talk February 26

  • Phil Bell (Washington) - Science formative assessment March

Logging In to Join - Phone or Computer

All meetings will be from 4:00-5:30 Eastern Standard Time Join us.

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Or iPhone one-tap :

   US: +16699006833,,7346128780#  or +14086380968,,7346128780#

Or Telephone:

   Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

       US: +1 669 900 6833  or +1 408 638 0968  or +1 646 876 9923

   Meeting ID: 734 612 8780

Post Meeting Recordings will be found here:


To share ideas, or to ask questions, contact Mary Starr, Exec. Director, MMSCN

The Academy is developed as part of TESLA, a multi-year project funded by MDE through the MMSCN.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Michigan Wildlife Education - Sign Up for Free Lessons by September 30th

From: Michigan DNR <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2017 1:46 PM
Subject: Know any K-12 students or teachers? Get Michigan's wildlife into their classroom
The deadline to register for the DNR's free wildlife educational opportunities is approaching.
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Wildlife Education

Know any K-12 students or teachers? Get Michigan's wildlife into their classroom!

The deadline to register for the Michigan Department of Natural Resources' free wildlife educational opportunities is approaching. These resources offer educators a fun way to integrate the state's unique flora and fauna into their curriculum, while still meeting required educational standards.

Programs are available for kindergarten through 12th grades:

Educators are asked to register for these classroom programs by Sept. 30.

To register, educators can visit and click on "Wildlife Education and Outreach," then select the program(s) they are interested in.

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is committed to the conservation, protection, management, use and enjoyment of the state's natural and cultural resources for current and future generations. For more information, go to

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Consultant Position for NSF Study

FYI - This sounds interesting!


Please see the message below for a job opportunity related to science task development for a National Science Foundation (NSF) research study. If you are interested in applying for the position, please go to:


Jamie N. Mikeska, Ph.D.
Associate Research Scientist
Student and Teacher Research Center

Educational Testing Service is seeking graduate students in science education and science teachers from elementary or middle schools to work with research and test development staff in a project related to elementary science instruction. The project is focused on developing and validating a set of performance-based tasks delivered within a simulated classroom environment in order to improve preservice elementary teachers’ ability to orchestrate discussions. These tasks will provide opportunities for preservice elementary to facilitate discussions with upper elementary student avatars (third to fifth grades) about the structure/properties of matter. A short description of this NSF project can be found at:

Previous experience and familiarity with NGSS is required. Physical science content expertise as well as knowledge and/or experience teaching upper elementary science is preferred.

The work will run for approximately 16 months, beginning in September 2017 and ending around December 2018. Work will take place remotely, but participants will be expected to produce specific deliverables based on the project timeline and will be paid based on the time committed to each deliverable. In total, approximately 80 to 120 hours over the course of the 16 month period will be required. Compensation will be commensurate with experience.  

Responsibilities include:
·       Training on the overall project goals and on the process for developing performance-based tasks
·       Developing and revising performance-based science tasks that provide opportunities for preservice elementary teachers to learn how to facilitate discussions in science

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Anyone Want to Have FREE Access to the NSTA Learning Center?

Good Morning STEM Leaders,

Please see email below.  Need to have names ASAP of anyone interested.  This is a wonderful FREE science resource that will help you with our new science standards. Get the word out to all science teachers in your building. To Join the group add your name to the list.
The Math and Science Centers Network has some NSTA Learning Center accounts available. These accounts will be good from June 1 through next school year. 

We are asking that you have a plan to use the Learning Center as part of PD (rather than just handing the accounts over haphazardly). To get those started we need a list of the teachers names and email addresses. Ideally, this would be before Monday(might be able to be a little flexible!)  Please send the list to me as soon as you can. If it's going to be after Monday, please let me know it's coming. 

I was thinking of the same format we had the last time we did this.  Please ask and forward this to teachers in your building that might be interested.  I want to open it up to all science teachers this time.  If you participated the last time, you can still participate this time.

Meeting Dates for 2017-1018 Learning Center
All meeting will be held at RESA

Email Laura Chambless ( with any questions.

To Join the group add your name to the list.

NSTA LC Introduction 
      Overview of resources
      Share something you found during the month
      Making and Sharing
      Build and Share a collection during the month
Build My Library
      Journal Articles
      Attend at least one Webinar
      Complete one SciPack during the month
PD Indexer
      Complete a PD Indexer during the month
Community Features
      Cohort Hub
      Private messaging
      Badges and Leader Boards
      Add to Forum discussion during the month
Blended Learning
      Content Focus Research
      Pedagogy Focus Research
Sharing Session